Here I am…This is ME!!

I was tasked today with thinking about who I am and why I am here. Here, being WordPress, as opposed to the existential “why do I exist?”

Why blog? What do I want to accomplish and who do I want to reach? Well, i got started here as a school project. It was supposed to be a hub for all of my social media platforms for a writing class I was in. I didn’t expect to embrace it, or even to enjoy it at all. I expected it to be a chore, a task that I would spend a few weeks on and then gladly leave behind.

But something happened on the way to graduation. I found that blogging was a really great outlet for me. I found that it was a nice place to put some essays and poems and short stories out there without feeling like I was really exposing myself. It seemed like a really great way to have my voice be heard, and maybe learn a little something about social media publishing in the process.

So I am going to stick with it I think. What have I got to lose, right? I’ll be around, sharing some projects as they are done (be sure to check out my Upcoming Work page), and looking for ways to make the blog a fun place where we can hang out and get to know one another.

So, now that you know why I’m here, what about who I am?

I’m a writer. I was born a writer. Over the years I have also become other things. A daughter, a sister, a friend, a wife, a mom, (an ex-wife, whoops…lol!). All of those people are part of who I am. Some parts that I am so proud of; others, not so much. Today, I am embracing what will soon be a new part of my life as an empty nester. My last little chick will graduate high school and move on to her own dreams, and while I will be left behind, it will not be lonely. I’ll also be a new college graduate, and I hope a voice to a whole new group of friends here who will share what it is like to start over again at forty-ish!

In the end, I will be learning. Continuing the journey, and hopefully sharing a laugh or two with all of you along the way! Don’t forget to leave me a comment and say hi, as well as tell me what you would like to read about. Writing prompts are great, and anything you would like to know, I’d be happy to answer. Love and laughter, friends; let’s take the journey together!